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    The Best of Classic fashion

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    Tanisha Kennedy CEO of The Kennedy Kloset

    About The Kennedy Kloset

    My name is Tanisha Kennedy and I am the Founder CEO of The Kennedy Kloset. The vision for my brand is to create a safe place for individuals to express themselves through fashion. At a very young age I realized I had a passion for fashion. Growing up in a third world country we didn’t have much, so often we would have to make something out of nothing. I want to do away with the thought that you have to spend a large amount of money to be fashionable, by bringing trendy items to my customers at an affordable price. Here at the Kennedy Kloset I strive to make others feel beautiful in their own skin, I hope that my items bring as much joy to my customers as they do to me

    How Kennedy Came out of
    the Kloset

    While fashion and style has always been my passion. The last few years life has hit me pretty hard going through a divorce, having to figure out a way to earn a living to support myself and my children, going back to college to earn my degree and working over 120+ hrs every two weeks. I had to put my passion and dreams on hold to make ends meet for my family. However, when the pandemic hit in 2020 I had a lot of time to think about what really drives me and the reminder for me was my younger self. As a child I would spend many countless hours reading all the fashion magazines just to see all the different styles and how much they inspired me. I made a promise to myself at the start of 2021 that I would lead by example and show my children first hand that it is possible to make a living by doing the things you love. So I took my own advice “If Not Now Then When. If Not Me Then
    Who’’. Hence the birth of The Kennedy Kloset
    A close-up shot of group of friends sitting together
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